Product Design
Our extensive tooling background gives us the ability to concurrently design functional as well as stylish products without taking our eyes off the question "How will this product be manufactured and assembled? Today's markets require innovative and creative solutions to stay competitive. Inzero Design has provided product design and development services that have raised the bar for quality and reliability while lowering assembly and manufacturing costs.
A recent trend is to develop and design products knowing that they will be manufactured overseas. We know that clients want quality. If you are planning to send something overseas, it's best to fully design and prototype products before you ship that project to an overseas manufacturer. Inzero design is proud to say that we have designed a number of products currently for sale through Amazon, at Home Depot and Lowes that are all manufactured overseas..
Over the years Inzero Design has successfully developed products in a variety of materials: plastic, metal, wood, carbon fiber, glass, fiberglass… Whatever your medium, quality design work will reduce the overall costs in bringing your product to market.
Empowering people through engineering
Quality is designed in